Post by .:Rippledstream:. on Nov 3, 2008 19:22:29 GMT -5
Dawningdusk returned the tom's licks, smiling at him happily. She nodded respectfully towards Gingerstripe as she padded over to speak to Flamestar.
Post by ~Snowy~ on Nov 3, 2008 19:29:52 GMT -5
Flamestar licked her once more and purred and nodded to his deputy. "i'm fine thanks. How are you?"he meowed to his deputy. "Gingerstripe you send out a hunting patrol and a boarder patrol please around Windclan it's about time we check there."he meowed.
Post by xXx.R.i.p.p.l.e.s.t.a.r.xXx on Nov 3, 2008 19:32:21 GMT -5
She nodded and mewe," Good. I just sent out a hunting patrol and i'm heading the border patrol, we were just about to go..."
Post by .:Rippledstream:. on Nov 4, 2008 7:15:07 GMT -5
Dawningdusk wondered what Gingerstripe was thinking. The deputy was usually friendly, but it wasn't like her to ignore Dawningdusk. They where friends as far as she knew, but the deputy seemed to be ignoring her existance, it must be important she thought, another voice, one from the back of her mind suggested something very diffrent maybe she's jealous that you're mates with the leader and that she's not it sneered. In the meantime, Dawningdusk was watching her paws, ashamed of what she was thinking, even if it was only in the back of her mind. {HAHA I LOVE DRAMA! even if it's not true;) haha stirring things up is what i do best! }
Post by xXx.R.i.p.p.l.e.s.t.a.r.xXx on Nov 4, 2008 9:47:54 GMT -5
Gingerstripe turned around adn called for her mate, Cometstrike and her daughter and son Spiritbird and Whisperingwind.
Spiritbird bounded over adn mewed," I'll go get Snakepaw." She bounded out of the den.
Gingerstripe nodded and then dipped ehr head to Flamestar and Dawningsuck in good-bye, padding out.
Post by ~Snowy~ on Nov 4, 2008 11:31:43 GMT -5
Flamestar licked his mate's ear. "we should go on to the next den. "We;ll go to the elders den next."he meowed licking her ear as he left the den.
Post by xXx.R.i.p.p.l.e.s.t.a.r.xXx on Nov 5, 2008 8:49:22 GMT -5
Duskwhisker dipped his head to the leader and his mate.
Post by .:Rippledstream:. on Nov 6, 2008 15:55:49 GMT -5
Dawningdusk nodded, following her mate out of the den, smiling at Duskwhisker as they passed.
Post by xXx.R.i.p.p.l.e.s.t.a.r.xXx on Nov 10, 2008 21:03:32 GMT -5
He nodded.
Post by rabbitclaw on Dec 28, 2008 22:22:32 GMT -5
Fairmist padded in and layed down curling into a gray and white ball of fur and purred at the soft moss.
Post by xXx.R.i.p.p.l.e.s.t.a.r.xXx on Dec 29, 2008 12:52:30 GMT -5
Gingerstripe and Paleprint padded in. Their pelts almost brushing. Paleprint padded to his nest and settled down in it, falling asleep instantly. Gingerstripe padded over to her nest and looked around for her mate, she hadn't seen him in awhile.
Post by rabbitclaw on Jan 4, 2009 19:14:46 GMT -5
Fairmist woke than meowed "Hello, Im Fairmist." than sat.